Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blog Prompt Thursday 26

Blog Prompt: What would you do if you were locked inside your favorite department store overnight?


My favorite department store I think is Barnes&Noble! I would pick books that I haven't read yet. Then, of course, I'd read them! Most of my books would be manga, which is like a Japanese comic :o Also, at the Starbucks section, I'd get all the coffee that I'd want and all the cake pops too! It'd be so fantastic!! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Blog Prompt Wednesday 25


Blog Prompt: What do you think you would like to do after High School? Which career, where to go, what to do? Explain why :)!

The career that I want to pursue after high school is engineering. I want to most likely be an industrial engineer. I want to just focus on studying to get my degrees. Perhaps during vacation I'll plan a trip to Europe or Asia, I don't know yet. Whenever I finish high school, besides studying and graduating from college, I will like to travel A LOT :) alone or maybe with the person that will be with me by that time. I want to be an engineer, because I love what they do and the tools they use, for example, math and science. Computer science is also one of them :D I believe it is a great career to go after :)



Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog Prompt Tuesday 24

Blog Prompt: If you could magically get the power to cast one spell for the rest of your life, what spell would you choose and why? Make up a name and purpose for your spell. 

If I could create my own spell...hmm...this is hard...I think I'd create one that would make anime characters real. By that, I mean bring them into the human world but with the same traits and characteristics. I would have to say the name of the character and the title of the anime that it comes from! 
The name of my spell would be: Givanto!!!! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Blog Prompt Monday 23

Blog Prompt: You have a source at the CDC and she has just informed you that the government has confirmed that the Zombie Apocalypse has begun. You have 24 hours to prepare before people in your town start turning. How will you use your time to prepare for the apocalypse?


 I think I would spend my time getting enough supplies such as food, weapons, medicine, etc. After getting the necessary things, I would take all my family with me and head north to the cold areas. There, hopefully we would find other people trying to survive and make a group so we all help each other and survive the apocalypse. 

jk, i'd probably die.
This is Clemmy-Clu! From The Walking Dead game:)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blog Prompt Thursday 19

 Blog Prompt 3: Write a paragraph about space. Include the following words: 

  • hard drive

  • tape

  • keyboard

  • program

  • control 


     A hard drive can store space like programs, or software's.  Computer keyboards can let you type "spaces" on a doc. Tapes are used to store documents, music, and audio, etc. aka space like a hard drive. These are very useful tools that without them, we wouldn't be able to do most of the things we do now.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blog Prompt Wednesday 18

Blog Prompt 2: If you could travel anywhere and anytime (past, present, or future) where would you go? Why?

If I could travel anywhere in the world I think I'd travel to Europe (ex: Sweden, Italy, England, France, etc.) Why Europe? Because of the incredible sense of fashion that they have over there! It's amazing! Also because of the food and the landscapes. Going to Disneyland in Paris must be an amazing experience... I would travel in the present aka RIGHT NOW! :') 

Disneyland in Paris, France.

~azul t.



Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blog Prompt Tuesday 17

 June 17th, 2014

Blog Prompt: If you could change the world by developing a device using computer science, what would it be and how would it change the world we live in? Describe it in one paragraph.

If I could change the world by developing just one device using computer science, I think I would develop an app that would let you know if the food at the grocery store was gluten-free, I would like it to give me the percent of artificial and natural flavor or even if it had any hormones that would increase the chance of getting cancer. I believe it would change the world because some people don't know anything about the things most food have. Pesticides can really damage our body internally and maybe even externally :( With this app maybe farmers would be able to decrease the amount of pesticides and hormones given to animals (cows, pigs<3, etc.) and thrown into the crops.

~azul t.